we is in ur life
keepin u awake
Not a fan of the Baby Banz
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someone in the Lancaster family, from Fredericton
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Santa is pleased

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the sound of my own voice
Jan 29, 2008

Hi. I want to take a second to address site visitors and contributors directly.

Thanks to all of you who have been coming the last couple months. We're quite a small community. By my server logs, there's only about 7000 pageviews in a given month. (That number goes up by about 100 per month by the way). And really, there's only about a thousand "absolute unique visitors." By most standards, that's a small group.

I know (because I visit the inbound links) that a lot of our traffic is from people posting in forums and on journals and blogs. I think that's cool. I hope you keep doing that. The steady growth is very much about word of mouth.

On the downside, I know some of our traffic is people shocked at how uncool we are or how derivative we are. I don't think anybody here has any delusions about this site vis a vis the likes of ichcb.com. It's definitely a loving gesture of tribute with a niche focus. Honestly the site came into my head the same time "We r in ur head killin ur libidoz" did. I figured not many other people were doing it and it was funny to me, and relatively easy as a proof of concept that I can set up something that not only displayed that amusing image of a loltrasound but also made it easy for other people to share theirs. So you know, that negative stuff pretty much slides off--though occasionally I go into forums and blog comments and make passive aggressive murmurs. Whatev. I am in this to amuse myself and my wife, pretty much. It's certainly not about ripping off other funny sites. If you're wondering, ad revenue on this site to date is comically low. That is perfectly fine by me. There's a lot of stuff here that represents me testing the developer tools or flogging various hobbyhorses of my own. Project Wonderful is among those hobbyhorses. If the money in PW accumulates high enough for me to withdraw it, I will find that super amusing, buy a couple beers, and not do much else. The dev stuff was just designed to take care of itself, which is partly why it seems like... you know... nobody's minding the store or stuff is kind of taking care of itself.

(Wow, that got a little dramatic in the middle part there where I was all defensive about other sites. Wow.)

So what I think you can expect are some additional changes. I want to survey some of our regular contributors and see what they get out of it, so if you've submitted to the site, I'll be emailing you one of these days. I'll also make a couple tweaks to the quirks of entry and display. But otherwise, I continue to welcome everyone's contributions, links, and sharing! Thank you so much for continuing to come by!


PS If you've ever submitted something with a suggested caption, but you didn't actually caption it, either i haven't gotten around to putting in the cap or it wasn't very funny. This doesn't apply to entries from the last few days, mostly because I haven't checked the database yet...
But yeah, it speeds things along if you cap them yourself. We provide links to captioning tools at right--> Honestly I prefer the lolcat buildr one.
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someone in the family, from
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Pot Cubberd
Future host of Kitchen Nightmares
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someone in the McGovern family, from Halifax

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Ur doin it rong.
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Godzilla baby
Up from the depths, 30 stories high, wearing a diaper, he stands in the sky!!!
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someone in the Goldberg family, from Chestnut Ridge

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takin fotos
takin fotos - ur doin it rong
ur doin it rong
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Tech supportz
Does your computer need fixing?
Posted by
someone in the McGovern family, from Halifax

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OMG Baby
my pimped pic!OMG baby
We were all *sort of* surprised.
Posted by
someone in the Us family, from

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Monster is not to b teh eatens.
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